Nest Wifi Google\’s mesh router

Update 20/10/2020:- because way this mesh router works you can\’t manage how we manage ubiquity APs. IPv6 I couldn\’t get it to work. Still no issue with access and wireless speed.

I now have google\’s Nest WiFi router and WiFi point. It\’s not a big house, so coverage is excellent also easy to set up and troubleshoot. You connect the cable from your firewall to the Nest WiFi router and go to your google home app, and it\’s pretty much sets it\’s self.

Ones you do that plug the Nest WiFI point and follow the same on the google home, and it will work with no issues. If you need to move the Wifi point, it will tell you on the app. Also, you can use this WiFi point as google speakers it sounds good too. If you have a bigger house idea is to add more as you need, for me, one is enough with the router.

I have set up lots of home APs in my time, but this is the simplest to do also everything in one app and works. I didn\’t have any issues so far all working great will happily recommend

frog bikes 48 kids bike review

Update 16/07/2020: It\’s now slightly more than a year bike stood, stand of time. No issues apart from a break-cable coming off a bracket, two mins fix. Other than that it\’s a reliable bike. Even when we get a massive hill or something She can\’t handle, she jumped off the bike and bike took those impacts very well. No damage still looking like a new bike and ride well. I have to wash and put some chain lube on, but it doesn\’t need it.

She now needs the next bike Frog 52, her hight is still ok for this bike, but She now needs the gears. I will update it. No stock anywhere at the moment.

I can sell this bike now for £150 bought it for £230, so I only lost £80 that is not bad after more than a year worth of usage.

Original review 4th April 2019: I needed to get a bicycle for my daughter as she is quite comfortable with a balance bike. Did my research most of the kid\’s bike are proper rubbish and heavy, hard to ride, no real air tires etc. Don\’t get me started on the \”girls\” princes bike and \”boy\” superhero bikes nonsense.

Close call between Isla bikes and frog bikes. I decided to go with frog as the local dealer had the colour my daughter wanted, and dealer assembled it and I got it ready to ride.

The bike is super easy to carry for me and easy to ride for my daughter. I didn\’t use training. She pretty much got the hang of it on the day one but still few days training to go to stop and start without my help. The overall bike was easy enough, and even a few falls bike handled it well. Will highly recommend.

Price-wise it is not cheap but not very expensive as well. comes with five year warranty. Resell values are good if you want to buy a bigger size in the future

Brompton M6L 2020 Electric

I have a canyon bicycle, review coming later for that. Brompton is my other half\’s bicycle, but I gave it a spin as I wasn\’t keen on the idea of electric bikes, but I tell you why I like this electric Brompton.

You can use it as a regular folding bike. The motor on the front doesn\’t impact on the riding not heavy at all. The battery is about 2.3 kgs even with that I didn\’t notice any difference.

There a lot of Chinese made foldable e-bikes on the market some UK companies like MiRider rebrand it changes a few parts and change something on firmware and selling them as the UK made. It is still a mass-produced and builds to a cost I can\’t expect them to last more than a few years if that. Also, I don\’t think you can use them as a standard bicycle without electric assistance.

I usually don\’t care about where they made. I need something that will last longer and gives me less trouble. Brompton fit the bill correctly. All the parts are less complicated to fix when it goes wrong. Can\’t say the same about my canyon bike :D.

Electric assistance when I put it on to level 1 it just gave that general push like the wind is behind you feeling I liked this level. I didn\’t like that level 2, and 3 maybe I\’m in a rush and need to go somewhere without getting tired I would use it, Level 1 is my ideal assistance level.

Overall on my usage, it was excellent and easy to live with and charge. No gimmick features like an app or big LCD screen on the middle etc. just a bike with all you need.

The only downside, I can think of it is a price, but If I use it every day to work, I will make that money back in a year. This bike is built like a tank. I can see a lasting number of years.

We bought the bike from Evans Cycles. Surprisingly excellent service too. We were not expecting that. Overall I can recommend this bike. You will be happy with it.